To convert 90 feet to inches, you would multiply 90 by 12 (since there are 12 inches in a foot), resulting in 1080 inches. To convert 1080 inches to feet, you would divide by 12, resulting in 90 feet. Therefore, 90 feet is equivalent to 1080 inches.
There are far too many alternatives. For example, 1 ft * 1 ft * 4.4 ft or 1 ft * 2 ft * 2.2 ft or 1 ft * 4 ft * 1.1 ft or 10 ft * 0.1 ft * 4.4 ft or 10000 ft * 0.0001 ft * 4.4 ft etc
4 ft * 1.5 ft * 2 ft = 12 cu ft = 89.8 US gallons (approx)4 ft * 1.5 ft * 2 ft = 12 cu ft = 89.8 US gallons (approx)4 ft * 1.5 ft * 2 ft = 12 cu ft = 89.8 US gallons (approx)4 ft * 1.5 ft * 2 ft = 12 cu ft = 89.8 US gallons (approx)
160 ft * 180 ft = 28800 sq ft = 66.1% of an acre.160 ft * 180 ft = 28800 sq ft = 66.1% of an acre.160 ft * 180 ft = 28800 sq ft = 66.1% of an acre.160 ft * 180 ft = 28800 sq ft = 66.1% of an acre.
12 ft * 10 ft * 10/12 ft = 10 cubic feet.12 ft * 10 ft * 10/12 ft = 10 cubic feet.12 ft * 10 ft * 10/12 ft = 10 cubic feet.12 ft * 10 ft * 10/12 ft = 10 cubic feet.
There are an infiite number ofanswers. Some of them are: L = 216 ft x W = 1 ft 108 ft x 2 ft, 20ft x 10.8 ft 72 ft x 3 ft, 30 ft x 7.2 ft 54 ft x 4 ft, 40 ft x 5.4 ft etc
To convert inches to meters, you can use the conversion factor of 1 inch equal to 0.0254 meters. So, for curtains of 90x90 inches, you would multiply 90 by 0.0254 to get the length in meters for both the width and height. Therefore, curtains of 90x90 inches would be approximately 2.29 meters by 2.29 meters.
No, however the maximum width is 90m and the minimum length is 90m, allowing for a 90x90 metre pitch. There exists an additional requirement that the length be longer than the width. So 90x90 would not be feasible.
this isn giong to be my answerP(tails and 5) = 1 P(tails or 1) = 2
There are far too many alternatives. For example, 1 ft * 1 ft * 4.4 ft or 1 ft * 2 ft * 2.2 ft or 1 ft * 4 ft * 1.1 ft or 10 ft * 0.1 ft * 4.4 ft or 10000 ft * 0.0001 ft * 4.4 ft etc
Quick conversion chart of in to ft. 1 in to ft = 0.08333 ft. 10 in to ft = 0.83333 ft. 20 in to ft = 1.66667 ft. 30 in to ft = 2.5 ft. 40 in to ft = 3.33333 ft. 50 in to ft = 4.16667 ...
100 ft * 45 ft = 4500 sq ft.100 ft * 45 ft = 4500 sq ft.100 ft * 45 ft = 4500 sq ft.100 ft * 45 ft = 4500 sq ft.
It is square ft.
920 sq. ft.
4 ft * 1.5 ft * 2 ft = 12 cu ft = 89.8 US gallons (approx)4 ft * 1.5 ft * 2 ft = 12 cu ft = 89.8 US gallons (approx)4 ft * 1.5 ft * 2 ft = 12 cu ft = 89.8 US gallons (approx)4 ft * 1.5 ft * 2 ft = 12 cu ft = 89.8 US gallons (approx)
Yes, In Holland (The Netherlands) we have panna-knock-out fields, and they are sqaure. but a real soccer field with grass etc. (I don't think so) only when it is built in a village by the gouverment for the district.
15 ft * 15 ft = 15*15 sq ft = 225 sq ft