There are an infiite number ofanswers. Some of them are:
L = 216 ft x W = 1 ft
108 ft x 2 ft, 20ft x 10.8 ft
72 ft x 3 ft, 30 ft x 7.2 ft
54 ft x 4 ft, 40 ft x 5.4 ft
12 feet x 18 feet = 216 square feet.
12' x 18' = 216 square feet.
Each face of the cube has an area of 36 square feet (6 x 6). With 6 faces, the area is 6 x 36 sq ft = 216 square ft
Cubic inches are all three of those multiplied together. The length, width and height are all measured in inches... not cubic inches, and not square inches.... just inches. If you multiply the length by the width you get the area - a number of square inches. When you multiply the area by the height you get the volume - a number of cubic inches If you have been asked to work out the length, width and height from a number of cubic inches, then you have probably been given a cubed number.... the first ten cubes are # .....1 # .....8 # ...27 # ...64 # ..125 # ..216 # ..343 # ..512 # ..729 # 1000 If you have been asked to work out any other number then either you need to get a calculator and work out the cube root, or you have to use some clues that you have been given in the question.
The cube root of 216 is 6. So 6x 6 x 6 = 216. The length of each side of a cube such as this would be 6 units. If 216 m3 volume then each length would be 6m etc.
216 square feet. Length x width = square feet.
216 square feet. Length x width = square feet.
216 square feet. Multiply length by width - the result is the area in square feet.
216 square feet. To calculate square feet simply multiply length by width - the result is the area in square feet.
The area of rectangle is : 216.0
For area measurements, you multiply the length by the width. Here the calculation gives you an answer of 216 square feet.
Area is length x width. 12 x 18 = 216, so the shop has 216 square feet
You would find the area by multiplying the width by the length, so the area would be 216 square feet.
A 12x18 room has 216 square feet. This can be calculated by multiplying the length by the width (12 x 18 = 216).
Multiply width by length to get the area. The answer would be 216 square yards.
The area in square feet is 216. The area in yards is 24 yard2.
216 square inches.