479 is the GCF of 479 and 958.
A single number cannot have a greatest common factor because "common" refers to factors that two or more numbers have in common. You have only one, which is 479. Also, only one number can be the greatest.
479 and 958 have a GCF of 479.
Yes. 958 / 2 = 479
The 2 smallest numbers that have GCF of 479 are 479 and 958.479 x 1 = 479479 x 2 = 958
479, 958, 1437, 1916, 2395, 2874, 3353, 3832, 4311, . . .
479 and 958, among others.
479 and 958 is one possibility.
479 and 958.
The two numbers can be 479 and 958 (479 doubled). 958 only has the factors 479 and 2, so, since 2 does not factor into 479, the common factor remains 479.
479 and 958 is one possibility.
479 and 958