97 divided by 10 is 9 with remainder 7.
To convert 97 degrees Fahrenheit to Celsius, subtract 32 from 97 to get 65. Then, multiply 65 by 5/9 to obtain the temperature in Celsius. 97 degrees Fahrenheit is equivalent to about 36.1 degrees Celsius.
97/9 is in its simplest form.
The only positive whole numbers are ' 1 ' and 97. It's a prime number.
To convert degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit, multiply the number by 9, divide by 5, and add 32. In this instance: 36.6 x 9 = 329.4 / 5 = 65.88 + 32 = 97.88 Therefore, 36.6 degrees Celsius is equal to 97.88 degrees Fahrenheit.
Divide mass by volume as they are now and get the answer in g/cm3 (pretty standard form). If you divide 97 by 21.9, you'll get 4.429 If it specifically asks for certain units just multiply or divide your answer through... For example, if you need the your answer in kg/cm3, divide 97 by 21.9 and divide that by 1000.
20% is the same as a fifth. Therefore divide 97 by 5 which equals 19.4.