99/100 = 0.99
Fraction: 99 over 100 Decimal: 0.99
It is 0.99 as a decimal.
We find the decimal by taking the percentage and dividing it by 100: 99/100 = 0.99. So, 0.99 is the decimal of 99%.
99%99% = 99/10099/100 = 0.9999/100 is the fraction.0.99 is the decimal.
.99 * * * * * That is the decimal equivalent. The simplified ratio for 990/1000 is 99/100
decimal form 77 over 99 = 0.77777...77/99:= 77 ÷ 99= 0.7778 in decimal
99 out of 100 is .99
Divide by 100: 99 ÷ 100 = 0.99
It is: 99% = 99/100 = 0.99
33 over 99 as a decimal is 0.3333; the 3 repeats.