To convert a fraction to a decimal, divide the numerator by the denominator. In this case, 17 divided by 125 equals 0.136. Therefore, 17 over 125 as a decimal is 0.136.
99/100 = 0.99
Expressed as a decimal, 4 27/125 is equal to 4.216.
3 over 5 in its simplest form * * * * * True, but that is not a decimal! As a decimal fraction, it is 0.6
99/125 is the simplest form.
decimal form 77 over 99 = 0.77777...77/99:= 77 ÷ 99= 0.7778 in decimal
It is: 77/125 = 0.616 as a decimal
equivalent decimal for 2 over 125 = 0.0162/125:= 2 ÷ 125= 0.016 in decimal
The decimal notation of 2552 over 125 is 20.416 to the accuracy of 3 decimal places.
93 over 125 is 0.744.
33 over 99 as a decimal is 0.3333; the 3 repeats.
To convert a fraction to a decimal, divide the numerator by the denominator. In this case, 17 divided by 125 equals 0.136. Therefore, 17 over 125 as a decimal is 0.136.
Expressed as a decimal, 90/125 is equal to 0.72
57/125 written as a decimal is 0.456
Expressed as a decimal, 108/125 is equal to 0.864.
Expressed as a decimal, 49/125 is equal to 0.392.