Well, darling, 9 over 2 as a whole number is 4.5. And since whole numbers don't do decimals, you can't really represent 4.5 as a whole number. So, the answer to your question is simply "you can't."
No because 7/9 is a fraction which is not a whole number
79/9 is an improper fraction and there is no way to express it as a whole number.
Oh, dude, 81 divided by 9 is like, 9. So, as a whole number, it's just 9. Easy peasy lemon squeezy. Math can be a walk in the park, you know?
The answer is 43 and the reason why the tens digit changes is because 7 + anything over 2 will change the digit. If just added 7 + 6 it would be 13 then add 30. 1 + any whole number over 8 will change the tens digit 2 + any whole number over 7 will change the tens digit 3 + any whole number over 6 will change the tens digit 4 + any whole number over 5 will change the tens digit 5 + any whole number over 4 will change the tens digit 6 + any whole number over 3 will change the tens digit 7 + any whole number over 2 will change the tens digit 8 + any whole number over 1 will change the tens digit 9+ any whole number over 0 will change the tens digit ect
2 2/9
18 / 9 = 2
11/9 x 3/5 = 33/45 = 11/15
reduced= 1 whole number and 1 over 9improper=10 over 9
9/4 is equal to the mixed number 2 1/4
2.75 is.
9/24 is not a whole number, so no whole number is equivalent to it.
no it's not a whole number.
8.5 is not a whole number and so cannot be expressed as a whole number.
No. 9/9 = 1, a whole number.
No because 7/9 is a fraction which is not a whole number
79/9 is an improper fraction and there is no way to express it as a whole number.