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E = mc2 is used to calculate how much energy is produced when you convert matter to energy. The variables stand for E = Energy, m = mass, and c = speed of light. If you do the math correctly, you will see that a very small amount of mass will generate a very large amount of energy. The equation can be used to calculate the energy of an atomic bomb or a nuclear power plant where mass and energy are converted.

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Is EMC2 a mathematical or scientific equation?

it is a scientific equation made my albert einstein It is the Formula for WATER (EMC2)

When was Emc2 developed?

in 1905

Who discovered Emc2?

Albert Einstein

Why do we need emc2?


Who is associated with the formula Emc2?

Albert Einstein

Did Einstein create the equation Emc2?


Does Emc2 apply to Godzilla?

no e stands for energy

Who made the theory EMC2?

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Why must the E in Emc2 be capitalized?

Energy is capitalized.

What is the fulform of Emc2?

The full form isE = m c2

What does Emc2 have to do with mass defect?

It allows you to calculate the corresponding energy.

How did scientists apply albert Einstein's Emc2?

nuclear power