It is still worth 1 dollar
This is a bullion coin produced in Australia. It's smaller than a penny and sells for about $8.00
It is worth $1 unless it is uncirculated.
Washintons head folded is the mushroom!
It's not gold, it's brass and is just a dollar.
As at 11Oct09 1 US Dollar was worth 46.44 Indian Rupees. At currect 1 US Dollar equals 60.26 Indian Rupee.
$1 = 47.93 Indian Rupee
Currently, 1 US Dollar is worth about 52.07
$1 US Dollar is worth about 45.60 Indian Rupees.
That depends if you mean 1 cent or 1 dollar, and if it's a silver or gold dollar. The price range could be anywhere from $10 to over $1,000. If by chance it has an Indian head design on it, resembling the Indian cent, and the back says 1 DOLLAR 1851, then it's a novelty coin, and it's not worth anything.
A 1898 Indian head penny in circulated condition is worth 1 to around 23 dollars in circulated condition. These coins are not rare.
Sorry, no gold $1 dollar Indian Head coins dated 1915 exist the last year of issue was 1889, look at the coin again and post new question.
This depends on what dollar 1 US Dollar in Indian Rupee is 63.60 1 Australian Dollar in Indian Rupee is 50.32 1 Barbardian in Indiian Rupee is 31.98 1 Bahamian Dollar in Indian Rupee is 64.01 1 Canadian Dollar in Indian Rupee is 51.04 1 New Zealand Dollar in Indian Rupee is 46.15
The cost of 1 dollar in an Indian currency is around 40 rupees.
On 10 OCT 2010, $1 US Dollar was worth 44.39 Indian Rupees.
The US dollar is worth a great deal more than a rupee. 1 dollar equals 60.81 rupees, so 29.99 in dollars would be equal to 1823.84 in Indian rupees.