The most common example of the Greatest Integer Function is the Post Office. Postage is paid based on weight. For example, from between 1 and 2 ounces, you might pay $1.25 postage. However, when you hit 2 ounces to almost 3 ounces you pay $2.00. This progression is a greatest integer function and is currently used today by the Post Office. You could probably get their rate chart and see.
No. For any integer, you can add one to get an even greater integer.
No, integers are whole numbers including 0. '.48' is a real number and would round down to zero, or up to 1, depending on the function you use, either of which is an integer.
A real world example of a cubic function might be the change in volume of a cube or sphere, depending on the change in the dimensions of a side or radius, respectively.
Integer Real life problems are examples in real life that relate to Intgers. For example, Lakes: Positive Integers could be related to the height of the lake above sea level Negative integers would related with the height of the lake below sea level Banks- Depositing $20 (positive number) into your account. And then the next day withdraw 100 20-100=???
No. For any integer, you can add one to get an even greater integer.
You cannot, because there is no greatest integer. If you thought you had one, then move just one unit to the right and you will have an integer which is greater.
2.5 is an example.
Any integer is a real, ...-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,4... etc, as they have no imaginary component.
There is no such thing as an interger.The ceiling function is a function which maps any variable x to the next integer, or the smallest integer greater than or equal to x. Why? Because that is how the function is defined. And there are many occasions when it is applied in normal life. If you require 3.2 cans of paint to paint a wall you will need to buy 4 cans, if a school wants to take 63 children and staff no a trip and a bus has only 30 seats, you will need three buses.
Counting your money
y = cuberoot(x) for real x is not a rational function.
1/2, 5, pi, respectively
There is no integer which is not a real number.