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Acceleration = change in speed/time = (20-5)/3 = 15/3 = 5 units of speed per second. It is not possible to be any more precise because the unit of speed (kilometres per hour, miles per hour, metres per second) is unspecified.

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Q: What is a cars acceleration if it increases its speed from 5 to 20 in 3 seconds?
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How are acceleration and speed different?

Well speed and acceleration are very different but can be related. Speed is how fast something is going, like 60 miles per hour. Acceleration on the other hand is how fast an object increases, or even decreases speed. Now to apply this practically, if you've ever gotten a ride on a school bus you would notice something different about the way the bus. People often call buses slow but in reality, the bus can reach the same speeds as most normal cars. The difference is that buses take longer to get to that speed. Thus they have a slower acceleration. A normal car can get to 60 miles per hour in about 10 seconds, but a bus may take 15 seconds. So the cars can travel at the same speed, but the car has a faster acceleration.

What is a cars acceleration if its speed increases from 50 kilometers per hour to 80 kilometers per hour in six seconds?

well we know that we have two speeds and a time. So, initial speed = 80 final speed = 60 change in time = 6 Now acceleration in this case will be measured in kilometers per hour per second (i.e. every x seconds, y kilometers per hour are gained in speed) So we simply apply the formula Acceleration = (final speed - initial speed)/ change in time = (80 - 60)/6 = 20/6 = 3.6666667 km/h/s

What is a cars acceleration if it increases its speed from 5 m s to 20 m s in 3 s?

The answer will be 5 m/sec/sec 300m/sec - 200m/sec divided by 20 seconds will get you 100m/sec divided by 20 seconds, which then equals 5

Do we wear seat belts in cars and airplanes to protect ourselves from speed or from acceleration?

Seat belts protect you from the impact of a collision, not from speed or acceleration.

If a cars velocity changes from 0 ms to 30 ms 10 seconds later its average acceleration is?

Acceleration = (change in speed) / (change in time) = (30 m/s) / (10 sec) = 3 meters per second2

A situation when you can accelerate but the cars' speed doesn't change?

"Acceleration" means a change of speed or direction. If the direction of your motion changes, then there is acceleration, even if your speed doesn't change.

What is the cars acceleration?

Bugatti Veyron Super Sport 0-60mph in 2.4 seconds

How do you determine a cars final speed after acelerating for three seconds?

Using the equation of motion v = u + at. v-the final velocity, u - initial velocity a- acceleration and t-the time.

A cars velocity changes from 20 ms to 50 ms 10 seconds later What is the cars average acceleration?

3 ms-2

When riding in a car we can sense changes in speed or direction through the forces the car applies on us. Do we wear seat belts in cars and airplanes to protect us from speed or from acceleration?


A cars velocity changes from 20 m s to 50 m s 10 seconds later What is the cars average acceleration?

5 m/s2 east

In a test run a certain car accelerates uniformly from zero to 24 meters per second in 2.95s what is the magnitude of the cars acceleration?

The car's uniform acceleration is (change in speed) divided by (change in time) = (24 m/s) / (2.95 s) = 8.1356 meters/sec2. Call this number ' A ' for acceleration. Change in speed = ( A ) times (time) Time = (change in speed) / A = (20 - 10) / A = 10/A = 0.81356 seconds (rounded)