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Although simple to understand and calculate the range as measurement of dispersion has two distinct disadvantages. Firstly, the effect of one very large or small variable is quite pronounced and secondly it cannot be calculated from open-ended frequency distributions.

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Q: What is a disadvantage of the range as a measure of dispersion?
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Is range a measure of central tendency?

no it is a measure of dispersion.

Which is not a measure of dispersion range or variance?


Why is range not a measure of central tendency?

Measures of central tendency are averages. Range , the difference between the maximum and the minimum, is a measure of dispersion or variation.

What are the whiskers of a box plot?

They are some measure of the dispersion or range of numbers in the set of data.

What are measures of dispersion in healthcare?

It's a statistical tool used in psychology. A simple way of calculating the measure of dispersion is to calculate the range. The range is the difference between the smallest and largest value in a set of scores. This is a fairly crude measure of dispersion as any one high or low scale can distort the data. A more sophisticated measure of dispersion is the standard deviation which tells you how much on average scores differ from the mean.

What is the interquartile range a measure of?

The interquartile range is well known as a measure of statistical dispersion. It is equal to difference between upper and lower quartiles. The quartiles is a type of quantile.

What is the disadvantage of using range as a measure of dispersion?

It only tells you about the max and min values. It would be good to know about what happens in between them. For example, you can all one very big value to a data set and change the range dramatically. The rest of the data remains the same, but you would not know that.

What is the semi interquartile range?

The semi interquartile range is a measure for spread or dispersion. To find it you have to subtract the first quartile from Q3 and divide that by 2, (Q3 - Q1)/2

What is difference between absolute measure of dispersion and relative measures of dispersion?

The Absolute Measure of dispersion is basically the measure of variation from the mean such as standard deviation. On the other hand the relative measure of dispersion is basically the position of a certain variable with reference to or as compared with the other variables. Such as the percentiles or the z-score.

Is the range a measure of dispersion that is the least sensitive to extreme value of the data set?

the range is the total number of values your set can take. If you take all the number from 5 to 25. Your range is 5-25.

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