4000. I'd suggest using a caculator next time, just calculate 20000 / 5
*if you're going to be mean at least learn to spell calculator :)
"Ten thousand to twenty thousand"
one thousand twenty and twenty-five hundredths is written 1,020.25
one fifth = 20%
Exactly as you did in the question, but not for long!
Twenty-four thousand.
That is the correct spelling of the number 50,020. Either "fifty thousand twenty" or "fifty thousand and twenty."
"Ten thousand to twenty thousand"
Twenty-five thousand.
The twenty fifth sultan of the Ottoman Empire was Osman III.
Forty-nine thousand,twenty
Forty-one thousand, twenty
one thousand twenty and twenty-five hundredths is written 1,020.25
twenty thousand four = 20,004
The Twenty-fifth Amendment make provision for presidential succession.