A percent is a ratio whose denominator is 100. I know this because I am a math teacher'part of a hundred'
You must ask a councilor, teacher or most likely the principal.
99.99% No joke
A fixed percent of the principal of a loan or investment is called a fixed interest. It is paid monthly or annually or whatever based on the agreement made.
The value of the principal is fixed.
This would depend on the principal balance of the mortgage.
principal(in terms of math)- the amount you borrow or deposit
It is a fixed rate of simple interest.
The "principal" is the sum of money invested or borrowed, before interest or other revenue is added, or the remainder of that sum after payments have been made. In math, this applies to finance.
Rate is the percent.
You type a letter to the principal asking him to repair what needs to be fixed in the classroom.
The principal ores are calaverite, a telluride (containing tellurium) containing 40 percent gold, and sylvanite, a mixture containing 28 percent gold
A percent is a ratio whose denominator is 100. I know this because I am a math teacher'part of a hundred'
In Math, 24 percent can mean 0.24 in decimal or 24/100 in fraction.