Well, honey, if you can't see that it's a half-shaded circle, then I don't know what to tell you. Half of the circle is shaded, which means it's a 1/2 fraction. So, grab a ruler if you need to, but trust me, it's half.
A quadrant.
The radius is half of the diameter of a circle.
The Line that divides the earth into two is called the great circle
The radius of a circle is one half of the circle's diameter, any line going from the center of the circle to the circle itself. A line connecting other points on a circle (or on any curve) is called a chord.
a hemisphere
Half a circle is called a semi-circle. Sometimes it is called a half-moon.
Half a circle is called a "semicircle" in geometry.
semicircleA half circle is called a semicircle.Half a circle is a semi-circle
The semi-circle ruler is commonly known as a protractor. A protractor is a geometric tool used to measure and draw angles. It typically has a half-circle shape with degree markings along the curved edge.
Semi = half
Half the diameter of a circle is called its radius.
A semi-circle
half of the radius the radius is half of the diameter the diameter is the with of the circle. This also can be called a quadrent circle.
A semi-circle
Well, honey, if you can't see that it's a half-shaded circle, then I don't know what to tell you. Half of the circle is shaded, which means it's a 1/2 fraction. So, grab a ruler if you need to, but trust me, it's half.
Half a circle is called a semicircle