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The Line that divides the earth into two is called the great circle

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Q: What is one half of the earth divided by the equator called?
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What is the defintion of hemisphere?

Northern and southern half of the earth divided by the equator. Eastern and western half of the earth divided by a meridian.

Each half of earth is called?

Each half of the earth is called a hemisphere. These are divisions of Earth's sphere that follow longitudinal and latitudinal lines to divide the earth into two parts. Earth can either be divided into to northern and southern hemispheres or eastern and western hemispheres.

What is one half of the earth when divided by the equator?

One half of the earth is a hemisphere. There is a northern, southern, eastern, and western hemisphere.

What two halves is the earth divided in?

The Earth is divided into the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere by the equator. The Northern Hemisphere is located north of the equator, while the Southern Hemisphere is located south of the equator.

What is half of the earths surface called?

The half of the Earth's surface that is north of the equator is called the Northern Hemisphere, while the half south of the equator is the Southern Hemisphere.

What is meant by north and south hemisphere?

Its half of a spherical or roughly spherical body (as a planet) ...the northern or southern half of the earth is divided by the equator and the eastern or western half is divided by a meridian ...

What are the two half-spheres divided by the equator called?

The northern hemisphere, and the southern hemisphere.

The line of latitude that cuts the earth in half is called the?

equator. It is located at 0 degrees latitude and divides the Earth into the Northern Hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere.

Is half of the world a hemisphere?

Yes, half of the world is considered a hemisphere. The Earth is divided into two hemispheres - the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere - split along the equator. Each hemisphere covers half of the Earth's surface.

How would you use equator in a sentence?

The equator splits up half of the earth. The equator is a line that splits half of the earth

What name is given to the half circle that contines around earth?

The half circle that continues around Earth is called the hemisphere. Earth is divided into four hemispheres - Northern, Southern, Eastern, and Western - based on the equator and the prime meridian.

What do we c alled the half of the eath?

By my understanding, the earth is divided into to 2 halves by the Equator (the line that runs from west to east around the earth) we call this halves Hemispheres...There is the "northern hemisphere" and "southern hemisphere"...The Greenwich meridian (the line that runs from north to south around the earth) divides the earth into the "western hemisphere" and "eastern hemisphere"..