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$100 payment - $80 costs = $20 profit

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Q: What is a math example of profit?
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What is a profit in math?

Non negative output

What does profit mean in math terms?

profit = selling price - (cost of buying + overheads)

How is math used in stores?

cash register...profit...revenue cash register...profit...revenue

What is the definition of commission used in math?

to earn profit

What is is a non example of math?

History is anon-example of math.

How is math used in career of banker?

well... bankers use math all the time. they use it to find the interest. example: the person borrows 1000 dollars from the bank and say the interest is 2% monthly, so the banker can use math in that case. Also, when the banker invests on things, they use math to predict what their profit is, it can be negative ( a loss of money) or they can gain.

Is math necessary for a commerce student?

Yes. Math is necessary for everyone, especially someone who is interested in commerce. Without math, you will not be able to determine if a business is making a profit.

What is an example of a not for profit organization?

AnswerNot for profit organizations are those that do not exist for profit. Examples are churches and the Red Cross.

What is the definition with an example for junction in math?

math is funn...

What does profit mean in math?

Profit is revenue minus costs. In merchandising, you have to pay for the items you sell, and you charge a higher amount to your customers. The difference between what you pay for them (cost) and what you get for selling them (revenue)_ is your profit. ■

What kind of math does a cook use math for?

Measurement conversions, nutritional content, serving sizes, cost vs profit analysis of recipes

What is the formula for finding the profit in math?

Profits = total revenues minus total costs.