its the number left over
The amount left over after a division is the Remainder.
Your question isn't fully clear, but if you are referring to the process of division of numbers, the "number left over" is called a remainder.
In a division such as 7 divided by 3 = 2 + 1 The number you are dividing - 7 - is the dividend The number you are dividing by - 3 - is the divisor The number you get - 2 - is the quotient The number left over - 1 - is the remainder.
The number left over in division is called the remainder.
its the number left over
The left over number or numbers
The amount left over after a division is the Remainder.
Your question isn't fully clear, but if you are referring to the process of division of numbers, the "number left over" is called a remainder.
the number that is left over in a division in which one quantity does not exactly divide another
Depends on what you are dividing by. It can be anything up to infinity
When you divide one number by another, you will have a quotient which represents the number of times the divisor into the dividend and the remainder represents what proportion of the divisor is left over.
In a division such as 7 divided by 3 = 2 + 1 The number you are dividing - 7 - is the dividend The number you are dividing by - 3 - is the divisor The number you get - 2 - is the quotient The number left over - 1 - is the remainder.