The number you divide into is called the divisor.
83 is a prime number. Therefore, the only numbers that divide equally into it are itself and 1.
The remainder.
How does 104 divide into 14 equally?104 doesn't divide into 14 equally. If you get a calculator and type in 14 divided by 104 you will get the answer: .1346153, which isn't an equal number, but a decimal.
Bisect is the word for divide equally. It is a word for divide equally and is used in mathematics.
401 is an odd number. It does not divide equally by 2.
1, 2, 179, 358
The number you divide into is called the divisor.
When you can equally divide a number into the denominator that you can also do to the numerator
1356, 2034, 2712, 3390, 4068 . . .
you can't divide 37 equally beause it is a odd number
They are itself and one because 11 is a prime number
Only by 1 and 37 since 37 is a prime number.
To divide 3 quarts equally, you would need to divide it by the number of parts you want to divide it into. If you want to divide it into 3 equal parts, each part would be 1 quart. If you want to divide it into 6 equal parts, each part would be 0.5 quarts. The key is to determine the number of parts you want to divide the total amount into and then divide accordingly.
83 is a prime number. Therefore, the only numbers that divide equally into it are itself and 1.