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Leading coefficient: Negative.

Order: Any even integer.

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Q: What is a possible leading coefficient and degree for a polynomial starting in quadrant 3 and ending in quadrant 4?
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What are the quadrants in a graph?

There are 4 quadrants in a graph. The most used one is the 1st quadrant, which is the top right one. The 2nd quadrant is the one on the left of it. The 3rd is the one one below the 2nd quadrant The 4th quadrant is the one on the graph that is below the 1st quadrant. II | I ---+--- III | IV so its 2|1 3|4 IN GENERAL: i. quadrants means quarters so they are four in all in a circle and so ii. called sections - like pieces of a cake - and iii. they are ordered counterclockwise starting in the top right quarter. And because this is all from Latin we mark them with I II III and IV in Latin characters. QUATTUOR is four or 4 or IV or even sometimes IIII. That's all in a nutshell, isn't it? are brilliant thank you all over the world there - I am a disabled person and love this website a lot. WELL DONE in all quadrants.

What is another word for possible outcome starting with e and has 11 letters?


Would it be possible to give the answers for apex vs algebra 2 semester 1 answers starting at unit 2?

No the they are copyrighted.Yes indeed it would be possible to answer the questions once they have been submitted.

If a ship travels 200 km to the south and then 400 km to the west what would be the ship's displacement from its starting point?

If it is travelling due south and due west, then to find the displacement, we can use pythagoras' thereom because it would be a right-angled triangle.pythagoras' thereom states that a^2+b^2=c^2If we say that a = 200km, and b = 400km, then c^2 = 200^2+400^2so c = (200^2+400^2)^1/2*note that the squareroot of something is also known as being to the power of 1/2so if we equate that,c = 447.214km displacement from its starting point.Since it is the displacement we are finding, we also need a direction.To find the bearing of the point c from the starting point, because it is a right-angled triangle, we can use Tan(theta) = O/AWe know that the opposite side length (O) is 400km, and the adjacent side length (A) is 200km.So Tan(theta) = 400/200Now we inverse Tan it to get the angle theta.Theta = 63 degrees 26 minutes or 63.435 degreesNow, because it is bearings, we cannot simply just write it as 63.435 degrees, it must have a direction of North, East, South or West.Seeing that it is in the 3rd quadrant, it is in the South-West quadrant, and so the angle is South 63 degrees 26 minutes West OR we can write it in true bearings form, and knowing that each quadrant is 90 degrees, we add the first and second quadrant, with the value we get inside our 3rd quadrant, which gives us 63"26' + 90 + 90 = 243 degrees 26 minutes True.Finally, because this is a worded question, write a worded answer for it.The displacement of the ship is 447.214km on a bearing of South 63 degrees 26 minutes West from the starting point.

Which 4-digit numbers can be formed by the digits 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0?

This permutation problem depends on whether the numbers are allowed to be repeated. If they are, there are a possible 9999 numbers, starting with 0001 and running sequentially to 9999. If they are not allowed to be repeated, there are a possible 5040 combinations.

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The two axes separate a coordinate plane into four regions called?

they are called the 1st quardrant, 2nd quadrant, 3rd quadrant and 4th quadrant starting from top right 'reigon' and continuing clockwise

How would you remember the four quadrants?

Remember that it goes counterclockwise in a C shape, starting with the first quadrant.

How could you tell if tan is negative or positive in a quadrant Example in quadrant II cos - and sin is plus but what is tan?

There's a mnemonic for this: All Students Take Calculus. Starting in the first quadrant, and moving counterclockwise until the last, give each quadrant the first letter of thos words in order. A represents all 3, s represents sine, t represents tangent, and c represents cosine. If the letter appears in a quadrant, it is positive there. If not, it is negative there.In quadrant 2, only sine is positive.

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Given ANY number at all, it is possible to find a cubic polynomial such that that particular number is the nth number in a sequence starting with the above three. The simplest rule, however, is Un = 5n + 9

What is the order pair in quadrant 1?

( 45, 67 ) The quadrants of a Cartesian plane are numbered starting in the top-right, and moving around the origin in a counter-clockwise fashion. This means that all of the coordinates in the first quadrant have a positive x value, and a positive y value. So, any pair of positive numbers will guarantee a coordinate in the first quadrant.

An ordered pair that has a positive x-coordinate and a negative y-coordinate would be plotted in which quadrant?

Quadrants are numbered 1st - 4th starting at the top right and going anticlockwise. So a positive x and a negative y coordinate would be in the fourth quadrant.

Which shape has 1 right angle?

Irregular polygons with any number of sides, starting with a right angled triangle. A quadrant of a circle and many other shapes.

What is the math term quadrant mean?

"Quadrant" means "quarter," and in particular one of the four parts into which a plane is divided by the coordinate axes. They are numbered from 1 to 4, starting at the x axis and proceeding counterclockwise (since we measure angles in that direction): Y ^ 2 | 1 | <---+---> X | 3 | 4

The thermal linear expansion coefficient is positive when the material expands do you expect it be negative when the material contracts?

The coefficient remains positive, but the dT used will become negative, yielding a negative growth (ie, a contraction). See the equation below: dx = L * a * (Tactual - Tref) Where, L is the starting length a is the thermal expansion coefficient Tactual is the temperature you're evaluating at Tref is the reference (or starting) temperature If Tactual < Tref, then the quantity (Tactual - Tref) < 0

When using a coordinate system how is the angle or direction of a vector determined with respect to the axes of the coordinate system?

The angle is measured from the "(+)X" axe and going counter-clockwise until it reaches the Vector. ( Compare with a Watch it will start at the 3 o'clock number) The coordinate system ( Cartesian Plan) has Four Quadrants. Starting from the upper right one , it is Quadrant # I , ( Between 3 o'clock and 12 o'clock ) The left Upper Quadrant is the # II Quadrant. ( Between 12 and 9 o'clock) The Lower left quadrant is # III . ( Between 9 and 6 o'clock ) And the Lower Right Quadrant is # IV . ( Between 6 and 3 o'clock) Going counterclockwise: A Vector between 0 and 90 degrees is located in the first Quadrant. A vector between 90 and 180 degrees is located in the Second quadrant. A vector between 180 and 270 degrees is located in the Third Quadrant . Finally a Vector between 270 and 360 degrees is located in the Fourth Quadrant. If it fell in 0 ,90,180 or 270 degrees it say that is on the X or Y axis.

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No you can't, it is not possible. Does is the verb in questions starting with does. You can make questions starting with is:- Is this you car?

Could it be possible that im starting to show I'M one week pregnant?

If you have some symptoms than it could be possible.