A prime symbol or number is given to a number that has only 2 factors which are itself and one
The symbol is §
Answer: = The symbol for Similarity is the Tilde, ~. It is NOT the equal symbol, =.
a variable expression in math is a symbol that is in a sentence
The mathematical symbol for "undefined" is the infinity symbol.
A capital A is usually used as a symbol for area in math.
The symbol is §
Answer: = The symbol for Similarity is the Tilde, ~. It is NOT the equal symbol, =.
The symbol ' is called the prime symbol, and is generally used to show that something is an altered form of a previous version. For example, if you translate point A from one place to another, the new point at this place is called A' (pronounced "A prime") because it is based on point A but has been changed to become something unique.This prime is not to be confused with prime numbers, which are numbers only divisible with 1 and themselves.In Calculus, the derivative of f(x) is known as f'(x) (note the added prime symbol).
Euler created the symbol.
a variable expression in math is a symbol that is in a sentence
"-6 and 6" is not a symbol!
The mathematical symbol for "undefined" is the infinity symbol.
no i need help
The inequality symbol for less than or equal to: ≤
The plus symbol, "+", is used to indicate an addition.