"In mathematics, a proof is a demonstration that if some fundamental statements (axioms) are assumed to be true, then some mathematical statement is necessarily true." (from Wikipedia)
It means the same in math as it means else where--it means not reasonable. If you show mathematical steps that are not reasonable to solve a math problem or show a math proof, then your math is unreasonable.
It simply means accepted as true without the need for proof.
In math, a mathematical proof. In general, a precise answer.
A lemma, or a subsidiary math theorem, is a theorem that one proves as an interim stage in proving another theorem. Lemmas can be viewed as scaffolding for the proof. Usually, they are not that interesting in and of themselves, but there are exceptions. See the related link for examples of lemmas that are famous independently of the main theorems.
Pythagorus discovered the theorem a2 + b2 = c2 via a math proof, though this is historically unclear according to Roger Penrose's book The Road to Reality.
Mathematical logic and proof theory (a branch of mathematical logic) for proof
They are usually not valid.
It means the same in math as it means else where--it means not reasonable. If you show mathematical steps that are not reasonable to solve a math problem or show a math proof, then your math is unreasonable.
True or False. Logic and proof in math have been in existence sine the time of the ancient Greeks. true
QED from the Latin "quod erat demonstrandum", meaning "that which was to be demonstrated", normally put at the end of a mathematical proof
Writing math proofs can be the hardest part of math for a math major in college. Simply following a few guidelines will help erase the doubt from the validity of your proof.
It simply means accepted as true without the need for proof.
In math, a mathematical proof. In general, a precise answer.
In math terms, it is more or less to make something sound reasonable; but in a way that is less formal than a proof.
At least three thousand years.