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The earth rotates on its axis every 24 hours. How much more "real world" do you want?

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The moon's rotation around the Earth.

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Q: What is a real world example of a rotation?
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What is a real life example of a rotation?

Earth going around the sun.

What is a real life example of rotation in math?

The Earth going around the Sun

What are the words revolution and rotation in relationship to movements of the earth?

rotation. example in a sentence: the world is completing a rotation as i type this Revolution. example in a sentence: the world completed a revolution while i typed this Rotation refers to the world as it is turning Revolution refers to the world as it goes from point A all the way around and back to point A as a revolution

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A fjord is a real world example of a fjord! They exist in the real world.

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The Equator is a real world example, being the circumference of the Earth.

What is the real world example?

Of what?

What is the rotation period of earth measured relative to the sun?

24 hours. Relative to the stars (the "real rotation"), it is about 23h56m.24 hours. Relative to the stars (the "real rotation"), it is about 23h56m.24 hours. Relative to the stars (the "real rotation"), it is about 23h56m.24 hours. Relative to the stars (the "real rotation"), it is about 23h56m.

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What is a Real world example of conservation'?

Example is too omitted to be real. Example is much more unresponsive

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Can you give me some REAL world examples?

A real world example of what? Math in general? Geometry nets? Name the math concept and it'll be easier for readers to give you a real world example.