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It is often called a straight-edge.

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Q: What is a ruler without numbers?
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What is a ruler called without numbers?

It could be called a straight edge.

What are the numbers on a ruler up to an inch?


How do you read a inches ruler?

by the numbers that are marked there

What do you called a ruler that define numbers?

Stright edge

Are the numbers on a ruler to the left or to the right of the inch markers?

The numbers are to the left of the inch markers.

How is a clock and a ruler related to a number line?

They both have numbers.

What do the numbers on the horizontal Ruler indicate?

inches, centimeters and millimeters

What does the numbers after the 1 indicate on a ruler?

A length of two units!

What is a communist ruler?

"Communist ruler" is contradiction in terms, since communism, by definition, is without government.

What side of the ruler is cm?

The one with shorter distances between the numbers.

How do you draw angles without a protractor?

use a ruler

What are the units on the metric ruler with the numbers 1 2 3?

Probably centimetres.