when you are trying to find a price
The fraction 1/3=0.3333333... In this case it is better to use fractions just like in all cases. There will be no case when decimals will work better than fractions however, if a test says to use decimals; USE THEM!
When you'll want to approximate quickly and easily. For example; 34783/89342 = 0.38932417004320474 It is a lot easier to approximate that to 0.39 if you have the decimal form than to round from 34783/89342 to 39/100.
In math class, or work like engineers Accountants and other such task es.
when you are trying to find a price
The fraction 1/3=0.3333333... In this case it is better to use fractions just like in all cases. There will be no case when decimals will work better than fractions however, if a test says to use decimals; USE THEM!
Whether fractions work better than decimals or less as well is very much a question of your preference.
nearly all
A person (rather than a computer) dealing with integers. When things are counted in tens or powers of ten - such as money, SI units.
When you'll want to approximate quickly and easily. For example; 34783/89342 = 0.38932417004320474 It is a lot easier to approximate that to 0.39 if you have the decimal form than to round from 34783/89342 to 39/100.
There are a number of ways in which a person can punish their kids. Timeouts seem to work well, but it is always important to tallk to the child about what they have done wrong. This will allow them to better understand the situation.
In math class, or work like engineers Accountants and other such task es.
4/5 in a decimal
Medicine and comfort seem to work.
In much the same way as anyone writes decimals.