The root of 40 is 6.32455532 which is 6.3 to the nearest tenth.
2.8735 to the nearest tenth is 2.9.
Whoever is reading this and if you play Fortnite add me it is Faze_Bisimooo and add me on discord. I will tell u my discord tomorrow if u add me I will accept every friend request.
40^10 is equal to 10,485,760,000,000,000.
The root of 40 is 6.32455532 which is 6.3 to the nearest tenth.
One-tenth of 40 is one-tenth times 40.40 x 1/10 = 40 ÷ 10 = 44
2.8735 to the nearest tenth is 2.9.
Whoever is reading this and if you play Fortnite add me it is Faze_Bisimooo and add me on discord. I will tell u my discord tomorrow if u add me I will accept every friend request.
40^10 is equal to 10,485,760,000,000,000.
It is: 9/10 of 40 = 36
3/10 of 40 = 12
35/40 - 4/40 = 31/40