A decimal that does NOT recur to infinity.
3.2424 is a terminal decimal
3.242424.... is a recurring to infinity decinal. Note the use of three or more stops after the last (right hand) digit.
e.g. Terminal decimals
et seq.,
a form of decimal in a math problem
What is the difference between 6500. and 6500? The first one would be considered to have a terminal decimal. This means that instead of simply writing the number as it is, a decimal is added to the end to represent significant figures (terminal decimals are most commonly used in scientific notation). Therefore, when 6500 would only be considered as to having 2 significant figures, 6500. has 4 significant figures.
To express 168 as a decimal, you simply write it as 168.0. In decimal form, whole numbers are represented with a decimal point and a zero after it to indicate that there are no decimal fractions. Therefore, 168 as a decimal is 168.0.
It is a short way of writing out 'decimal place'
You don't 'answer' a decimal in math. The decimal is the portion of a number which is less than one.
Decimal math
It is 0.85
A decimal
a form of decimal in a math problem
Decimal addition is adding numbers that are represented in decimal form.
The decimal is .0009.
there like lit dots in math you can add with them anthing
Yes, it can.
Math, Algebra, Arithmetic