You can represent values using variables. This can only be done with whole numbers.
A signed 16 bit number can represent the decimal numbers -32768 to 32767.
Approx 14
No, it's impossible. If you did it with hundredths blocks then it would be fair.
The number of blocks needed depends on whether you are using them for the walls or just the foundation, how high the walls are if you are using blocks forthem, the size of the blocks, and what the size of the bungalow will be.
If the number is 'z', then five less than twice the number is ( 2z - 5 ).
8 + x
You put that number with a little number over it depending on how many times that number is multiplied by itself.
s < 12
4*100 + 8*10 + 1
The are used to represent numbers using powers of ten.
13 = D in hex. If you're using two digits to represent the hex number - its 0D
we're using 100mm blocks and get 60
Create a number line from zero to one where the gradations are in tenths.
You cannot represent a proportional relationship using an equation.