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Well, isn't that a happy little question! After a centillion comes a googol, which is a 1 followed by 100 zeros. Just imagine all those zeros dancing together on the canvas of numbers, creating a beautiful and infinite landscape of possibilities. Keep exploring and painting with numbers, my friend!

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βˆ™ 5mo ago
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Lvl 1
βˆ™ 5mo ago
Boogolgong: 10^12003
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βˆ™ 5mo ago
Biggolgong: 10^80003
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βˆ™ 5mo ago
Gabbolgong 10^111111
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βˆ™ 5mo ago
Geegolgong: 10^199992
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βˆ™ 5mo ago
Gaggolclang: 10 /uparrow/uparrow/500000
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βˆ™ 5mo ago
Bentley's number: 10^...500...1900003...34000
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βˆ™ 4mo ago
Hepta-octaxis: 10↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑7
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βˆ™ 12y ago

An uncentillion, or centillion one, underneath is a list of numbers.



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Sean Fabrigas

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βˆ™ 1y ago
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Sean Fabrigas

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βˆ™ 1y ago
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βˆ™ 5mo ago

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βˆ™ 4y ago

Uncentillion 10^306

Duocentillion 10^309

Trescentillion or centretillion 10^312

Quattuorcentillion 10^315

Quinquacentillion 10^318

Sexcentillion 10^321

Septencentillion 10^324

Octocentillion 10^327

Novemcentillion 10^330

Decicentillion 10^333

Un- 3, Duo- 6, Tre or tres- 9, quattuor 12, quin 15, sex 18, septen 21, octo 24, novem, 27

Viginticentillion 10^363

Trigintacentillion 10^393

Novemtrigintacentillion or lettucillion 10^420

Quadragintacentillion 10^423

Quinquagintacentillion 10^453

Sexagintacentillion 10^483

Septuagintacentillion 10^513

Octogintacentillion 10^543

Nonagintacentillion 10^573

Ducentillion 10^603

Deci- 30, Viginti- 60. Triginta- 90, Quadraginta- 120, Quinquaginta- 150, Sexaginta- 180, Septuaginta- 210, Octoginta- 240, Nonaginta- 270

Trecentillion 10^903

Quadringentillion 10^1,203

Quingentillion 10^1,503

Sescentillion 10^1,803

Septingentillion 10^2,103

Octingentillion 10^2,403

Nongentillion 10^2,703

Novemnonagintanongentillion 10^3,000

Millillion (millinillion) 10^3,003

Start the illion number system all over from million, and add milli- as shown below.

To find out, for example a vigintillion is 63 zeroes, but a millivigintillion is 3,063, all you do is add 3,000 to the exponent. Dumillivigintillion add 6,000 and you will get 6,063 (it is the 2020th illion!). Etc.

Millimillion 10^3,006

Millibillion 10^3,009

Millitrillion 10^3,012

Milliquadrillion 10^3,015


Millinonillion 10^3,030

Millidecillion 10^3,033

Millicentillion 10^3,303

Milliquingentillion 10^4,503

Dumillillion 10^6,003

Dumillinonagintanongentillion 10^8,973

Trimillillion 10^9,003


Trimilliduotrigintatrecentillion 10^9,999

Trimillisexoctogintaoctingentillion 10^11,661


Quadrimillillion 10^12,003

Quinmillillion 10^15,003

Sexmillillion 10^18,003


Sexmillitredecisescentillion 10^19,842


Septimillillion 10^21,003

Octimillillion 10^24,003

Nonimillillion 10^27,003

Nonimillinovemnonagintanongentillion 10^30,000


Nonimillitreducentillion 10^27,612


Decimillillion (myrillion) 10^30,003

Undecimillillion 10^33,003

Duodecimillillion 10^36,003

Vigintimillillion (dumyrillion) 10^60,003

Centimillillion 10^300,003

Quingentimillillion 10^1,500,003

Novemnonagintanongentimillillion 10^2,997,003

The beastillion series

Unvigintiducentillion 10^666

Dumilliunvigintiducentillion 10^6,666

Duovigintimilliunvigintiducentillion 10^66,666

Duovigintiducentimilliunvigintiducentillion 10^666,666

Dumicroduovigintiducentimilliunvigintiducentillion 10^6,666,666

Duzepto-duovigintiducentiatto-duovigintiducentifemto-duovigintiducentipico-duovigintiducentinano-duovigintiducentimicro-duovigintiducentimilli-unvigintiducentillion 10^6,666,666,666,666,666,666,666

The ascen series:

Ascentrillion: Quadragintillion 10^123

Ascenpentillion: Quadrimilliquattuordecicentillion 10^12,345

Ascenhexillion: Unquadragintamilliunquinquagintacentillion 10^123,456

Ascenoctillion: Quadrimicroquindecicentimilliquinvigintiducentillion 10^12,345,678

Ascenennillion: Unquadragintamicroduoquinquagintacentimilliduosexagintaducentillion 10^123,456,789



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Millentinion, one thousand centillion

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1 centillion = 10303

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centillion zeros (centillion is 303 zeros)

What is a centillion in scientific notation?

1 centillion = 10303

What number is the highest A Centillion B Quadrillion?

A centillion.

Which is highest centillion or quadrillion?

According to the link I'm posting, a quadrillion is 1015, and a centillion is 10303, so centillion is bigger.

What number is the highest billion or quadrillion or centillion or googol?

The googol. Trumped by the googolplex.

What number is the highest is it googol quadrillion centillion?

A googol. It is a 1 with 100 zeros after it.

What number is the highest billion centillion quadrilion and a googol?

Centillion is a 1 with 303 zeros so this is the biggest.

What power of 10 is a centillion centillion?

A centillion is ten to the power 303 (short scale) or 10 to the power 600 (long scale), so if you square that you get ten to the power 606 (short scale) or 10 to the power 1200 (long scale).Note: English-speaking countries normally use the short scale.