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Mathematics .a.a number usually expressed in the form a/b.

b.a ratio of algebraic quantities similarly expressed.

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Q: What is an equation that shows a scientific relationship between some constants or variables?
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What is the equation that describes the relationship between two variables in an logarithmic plot?

y = a + b*log(x) or y = a + b*ln(x) where a and b are constants.

How may units to be used to check if an equation is written correctly?

The answer depends on the units of the variables and constants used in the equation.

What describes a relationship between several variables in an algebraic equation?

an algebraic equation that describes a relationship between several variables is called a?

When can you say that the equation is linear?

An equation is linear when it contains only variables of degree 1 and constants. ALL linear equations will be of the form: a1x1+a2x2+a3x3+...+anxn=c where an and c are constants.

Why was there a need to invent linear equation in two variables?

If two variables are related, then the simplest relationship between them is a linear one. The linear equation expresses such a relationship.If two variables are related, then the simplest relationship between them is a linear one. The linear equation expresses such a relationship.If two variables are related, then the simplest relationship between them is a linear one. The linear equation expresses such a relationship.If two variables are related, then the simplest relationship between them is a linear one. The linear equation expresses such a relationship.

What information does and equation tell you?

the relationship between variables and/or variables and values

What is standard form in a linear equation?

ax+by = c where a,b,c are constants and x,y are variables.

What is an mathematical phrase involving constants variables and operation symbols?

It is an expression and if it contains an equality sign then it is an equation.

How can you determine if a linear relationship is a direct variation from an equation?

Suppose the variables are X and Y and the equation can be written in either of the following equivalent forms: bY = aX or aX - bY = 0 or Y/X = c where a, b and c are non-zero constants.

What is the general solution of a differential equation?

It is the solution of a differential equation without there being any restrictions on the variables (No boundary conditions are given). Presence of arbitrary constants indicates a general solution, the number of arbitrary constants depending on the order of the differential equation.

What is a straight line graph?

It is the graphical representation of a linear relationship between two variables. In its most general form, the relationship is of the form a1x1 + a2x2 + ... + anxn + c = 0 where x1, x2 etc are variables, and the as are constants. This equation would be a straight line in n-dimensional space. In 2-dimensional space, and renaming the variables, you get ax + by + c = 0 where x and y are the variables and a, b and c are constants. This equation can be expressed in the form y = mx + d where m and d are constants. m is called the slope or gradient. For every increase of 1 unit in x, you will get an increase of m units in y. Also, d is called the intercept and it represents the value of y when x is 0.

What type of graph shows a direct relationship between variables?

type the equation that shows the relationship between the variables in this chart.