72 = 72/1. You can multiply the numerator and denominator of this ratio by any non-zero number to get an equivalent ratio.
A ratio of 5:5 is equivalent to 1:1.
26 to 1
5 to 1
The equivalent ratio is: 22 to 26
52 to 2 i think i had it on a test once
There are many equivalent ratios of 1 to 26. Some of them are: 2 / 52 and 3 / 78 So the equivalent ratios can be anything that follow this form: k/(26k) where k is any real constant.
912/1 is one equivalent ratio.
26 to 1
If you mean 1 to 10 then the equivalent ratio is 10 to 100If you mean: 1 to 10 then the equivalent ratio is 10 to 100
It is: 2 to 1
Multiply both numbers of the ratio, 1:20, by any non-zero number. You will have an equivalent ratio.
1/8 as a ratio is equivalent to 2/16
If you mean 3 12 then yes it is equivalent to 1 4