Euclid's algorithm is an easy way to find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of two numbers. Let's try 1029 and 375.
If I have two numbers a and b, where b is smaller than a, the process looks like this:
1. Divide b into a and call the remainder r1.
2. Divide r1 into b and call the remainder r2.
3. Divide r2 into r1 and call the remainder r3.
4. Repeat this process until the remainder divides evenly. Then r is the GCD.
So we have a=1029 and b=375.
1029=2x375+279 (so r1=279)
375=1x279+96 (r2=96)
279=2x96+87 (r3=87)
96=1x87+9 (r4=9)
87=9x9+6 (r5=6)
9=1x6+3 (r6=3)
r6=3 divides evenly! So we know that 3 is the largest number that divides both 1029 and 375.
euclids elements
There are 13 books in Euclid's Elements.
Euclid of Alexandria or Eukleides
They are different because standard algorithm is more common then the expanded algorithm
need a simple explanation of Euclids theory.
An example of finiteness in algorithm is when a loop within the algorithm has a predetermined number of iterations, meaning it will only run a specific number of times before completing. This ensures that the algorithm will eventually terminate and not run indefinitely.
euclids elements
euclids elements
If you mean "Algorithm" an algorithm is simply a set of rules, or steps to complete, which are needed to solve a particular problem. An example would be a recipe in a cookbook. A recipe is an algorithm.
His major accomplishment was in philosophy and mathematics
4d + 7 = -15