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Quarter past 12 !

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Q: What is an hour later than a quarter past 11?
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What is the 12 hour clock time which is one and one quarter hour earlier than 1305?

It would be 11:50am.

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My child has homework about time. it says what is 1 hour later than 10 pm. does that mean 11 pm or 9 pm?

its means 11 because 10pm with 1 hour later 10+1=11

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That would be 4:00 p.m.

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How do you run a mile in less than 6 minutes?

I would recommend running the first quarter in about 1:25.Try and hold on the second quarter without using too much guts.On the third quarter, imagine it's the last.On the last quarter, you should know what to do.Your average speed must be greater than 10 miles per hour.You know you're behind if:After the first quarter you're past 1:30.After the second quarter you're past 3:00.After the third quarter you're past 4:30.If you're behind you can catch up if you're not much far behind (so don't give up).

When does a business pay quarterly sales tax?

at the end of each quarter, or by the 15th of the following month after the quarter. A business with a Year calendar of Jan. - Dec. would pay the end of March, no later than April 15th, the end of June no later than July 15th, the end of Sept. no later than Oct. 15th, and the end of Dec. no later than Jan. 15th. Some businesses have a calendar year of Sept. to Sept. So you'd use Nov. Feb. May, Aug in the same manner as your quarter ends with the following month 15th date as the late by date.

What are facts about Manitoba Canada?

The timezone is 1 hour later than Alberta's timezone

What is faster a horse or cammel?

A horse is faster than a camel. The American Quarter Horse can run at speeds up to 40 miles an hour for a quarter mile.

Later in time?

Later rather than Later in time as Later can only mean in time or you could say further on in time if Later is meant as a future time or Later back in time if Later is meant to be in the past .