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it's called a variable (:

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Q: What is an unknown number in an equation?
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What is a equation in math?

x is an unknown number/fraction which needs to be solved.

What does the word root mean in maths?

A root in math is a number that, when substituted for the unknown quantity in an equation, will satisfy the equation

Twice an unknown number?

twice an unknown number less one and one-half times the same number equals two ---- Let the unknown number be "x":: Equation: 2x - (3/2)x = 2

What is x in a math equation?

x is an unknown number/fraction which needs to be solved.

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For the equation 80% of what number equals 40, the unknown number is 50.

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"430 5" is not an equation and it does not have an unknown value. So there can be no equation which has the same unknown value.

Why do you use variables such as x p or n in algebra?

Variables stand in the place of unknown numbers. For example, in the following equation, one number is unknown: 2+x=5. The x takes the place of the number that is unknown.

What is the equation for a number subtracted from -18 amounts to 156?

x - 18 = 156. The x is the unknown quantity, the rest of the equation you have. Now solve it and prove it.

How do you solve a equation using unknown variables?

You don't use unknown variables to solve an equation. The purpose of solving an equation is to find the value of the variable so that it's no longer unknown.

What is a root number in an equation?

a root number is a number in which satifies the unknown value of an equation. For example: x² - 1 = 0 the root of this equation would be 1 or -1 since when multiplied by itself, they both equal 1. Therefore, 1 - 1 = 0

Y plus 4 equals 4x-2?

That equation cannot be solved since there are 2 unknown in the equation (x and y) but only 1 equation. The number of unknowns must be equal to the number of equations (for simultaneous equations)

What mathematical equation matches these wordsWhat mathematical equation matches these words Four times an unknown number added to eight times an unknown number equals thirty-six?

If they are two different unknowns then it is: 4x+8y = 36 If they are the same unknowns then it is: 4x+8x = 36 in which x works out as 3