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Another name for opposite operations is inverse operations.

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Q: What is another name for opposite operations?
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Operations that are opposite of one another?

inverse operations

What is another name for the opposite of a number?

Another name for the opposite of a number is Additive Inverse.

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The name of the word that means the opposite of another word is called an antonyms.Antonym

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Inverse operations, or opposite operations, undo one another. Subtraction undoes addition (and vice versa), and division undoes multiplication (and vice versa).

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The names of inverse operations depend on the operations, not on whether they are applied to fractions or other kinds of numbers.

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another name for diode is "pn" junction.

What are two operations and their inverses?

Inverse operations are opposite operations that undo each other. Addition and subtraction are inverse operations. Multiplication and division are inverse operations.

What is a operations that undo one another?

Inverse operations.

What is the opposite of times?

Although "eternity" might be the opposite of some measured time (i.e. measureless time), there is no true opposite to time.There are opposites for certain operations involving time. The opposite of pay by the hour (time worked) could be pay by the job, or by production. Another labor opposite is seen in the difference between hourly pay and salary.