0.88 is greater than 0.088.
109 is bigger than 088
88/1000 = 11/125 in its lowest terms .088 is another representation.
0 times. 88 is bigger than 27.
89 inches, and a giraffe
88 fluid ounces and 11 cups are equal.
Oddie is moshling number 88. 088 Oddie the Sweet Ringy Thingy [Foodie] Yellow Star Blossom, Black Star Blossom, Purple Star Blossom
There are 10 metres in one decametre. Therefore, 88 decametres is equal to 88 x 10 = 880 metres. Therefore, 88 decametres is bigger than 8 metres.
.088/1000 = 0.000088 or 11/125,000
There is no area code (STD code) 088 in India, but there are dozens of codes that begin with 088. You need two to five more digits. For example, 08855364 is the STD code for Achuthapuram. Locations with codes beginning 088 are generally in Andhra Pradesh state.In international format, an STD code beginning with 088 becomes +91 88...(The plus sign means "insert your international access prefix here." From a GSM mobile phone, you can enter the number in full international format, starting with the plus sign. The most common prefix is 00, but North America (USA, Canada, etc.) uses 011, Japan uses 010, Australia uses 0011, and many other countries use different prefixes.)
A bit bigger than medium, which is 88-140 pounds.
Your H&R model 088 was made sometime between 1983-1986.