The easiest way to compare this would be to compare common denominators.
To make 1/2 comparable to 3/8, we want to make the '2' in 1/2 an 8.
To make the '2' an 8, we need to multiply it by 4, but because we multiply the bottom, we must also multiply the top.
1 x 4 = 4
2 x 4 = 8
The comparable fraction in 4/8, which is still the same as 1/2.
Comparing 4/8 to 3/8 is much easier, as it's quite obvious that 4/8 is larger.
So, 1/2 (4/8) is larger.
To work this out you need to amend the fraction to one that can be halved.Three quarters is the same as six eighths, now you can work out the answer.Three eighths is half of three quarters.
Two fifths is bigger.
Two thirds is (6 and 2/3) percent bigger than 5 eighths.
7/8 - 1/2 = 3/8
one and five eighths is equal to thirteen eighths. Half of this is thirteen sixteenths which can not be simplified further. 1 5/8 = 13/8 13/8 * 1/2 = 13/16
3 eighths Hope that helped!
Three ninths is one third, and eighths are bigger than ninths. Three eighths is bigger than three ninths. Therefore three eighths is bigger than one third.
3 - 4
The difference is 2 and 7 eighths.
78 and a half
1 and 7 eighths
1 fourth and 1 half do not equal 3 eighths (nor 3 eights!).
1/4=2/8 therefore 3/8 is bigger
3/6 is bigger than 2/8 because 1/2 is bigger than 1/4
11/8 or 1 3/8
To work this out you need to amend the fraction to one that can be halved.Three quarters is the same as six eighths, now you can work out the answer.Three eighths is half of three quarters.