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a googolplex is bigger than centillion. centillion is 10303. A googolplex is 10(10100).

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Millillion 10^3,003 Decimillillion 10^30,003 Centimillillion 10^300,003 Milli-millillion or Micrillion 10^3,000,003 Nanillion 10^3,000,000,003 Picillion 10^(3*trillion+3) Femtillion 10^(3*quadrillion+3) Attillion 10^(3*quintillion+3) Zeptillion 10^(3*sextillion+3) Yoctillion 10^(3*septillion+3) Xonillion 10^(3*octillion+3) Vecillion 10^(3*nonillion+3) Mecillion 10^(3*decillion+3) Duecillion 10^(3*undecillion+3) Trecillion 10^(3*duodecillion+3) Tetrecillion 10^(3*tredecillion+3) Pentecillion 10^(3*quattuordecillion+3) Hexecillion 10^(3*quindecillion+3) Heptecillion 10^(3*sexdecillion+3) Octecillion 10^(3*septendecillion+3) Ennecillion 10^(3*octodecillion+3) Icosillion 10^(3*novemdecillion+3)

Triacontillion 10^(3*novemvigintillion+3)

Tetracontillion 10^(3*novemtrigintillion+3)

Pentacontillion 10^(3*novemquadragintillion+3)

Hectillion 10^(3*novemnonagintillion+3)

Mehectillion 10^(3*centillion+3)

There you go.

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Q: What is bigger than centillion?
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Is centillion bigger than Google?

Centillion is not bigger than Google, And it's Spelled "Googol". Anyways... Googol is more than centillion Googol is a 10100 "10,­000,­000,­000,­000,­000,­000,­000,­000,­000,­000,­000,­000,­000,­000,­000,­000,­000,­000,­000,­000,­000,­000,­000,­000,­000,­000,­000,­000,­000,­000,­000,­000,­000"

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Centillion + one.

Which is highest centillion or quadrillion?

According to the link I'm posting, a quadrillion is 1015, and a centillion is 10303, so centillion is bigger.

What is bigger centillion or googolplex?

Googolplex is a larger number because -llion is smaller than g-

What number is higher a quadrillion or a centillion?

go with centillion its way higher than quadrillion

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A Zillion is an unspecified number bigger than a trillion. A centillion is 1 to the power 100. A googloplex, the largest specified number to date is 1 to the power 10 to the power 100.

What is bigger than Google?

it's spelled googol. google is the company. and a googol is equal to 10100 . a centillion is 10303. A googolplex is 10(10100).

What number comes after nine hundred ninety-nine Centillion?

One thousand. Which is a lot, lot smaller than a centillion.

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4.3% of the universe (~45 Billion Light year diameter) is Planets, Gases and Such. Dark Matter (WMP, or Weakly Interacting Mass Particle) is invisible. If my math is correct, (and i did it on a hitachi supercomputer) the universe should weigh around... 790 centillion centillion centillion centillion centillion centillion centillion centillion centillion centillion centillion centillion centillion centillion centillion centillion centillion centillion Tonnes, to the 947,304,691,120,161,109,425e+4964546546516548897984351th Power! I Guess About 74 followed by trllions of trillions of trillions of digits, pounds thats heavy

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Millentinion, one thousand centillion

What number is the highest A Centillion B Quadrillion?

A centillion.