The place value of the 2 in 729058 is equal to two ten-thousands or twenty-thousand.
To show the number three million two thousand, you would write it as 3,002,000. The comma separates the millions place from the thousands place. In this number, the digit 3 is in the millions place, the digit 0 is in the thousands place, and the digit 2 is in the hundreds place.
The number makes no sense since twelve hundred is one thousand two hundred, and twelve thousand is one ten thousand and 2 thousands. You can't have 2 numbers occupying the same space in a number which 1 and 2 do in the thousand digit. However, one could propose that you add the two together giving 13,212
Two thousand dollars
There are two hundred thousand.
The place value of the 2 in 729058 is equal to two ten-thousands or twenty-thousand.
Four thousand 2 and one thousand 2 then 10000 thousand
four thousand one hundred thirty two thousands
To show the number three million two thousand, you would write it as 3,002,000. The comma separates the millions place from the thousands place. In this number, the digit 3 is in the millions place, the digit 0 is in the thousands place, and the digit 2 is in the hundreds place.
Twenty thousand two is a numeric representation of the quantity 20,002. In this number, the digit 2 is in the thousands place, the digit 0 is in the hundreds place, the digit 0 is in the tens place, and the digit 2 is in the ones place. This number can also be written in words as "twenty thousand two."
The number makes no sense since twelve hundred is one thousand two hundred, and twelve thousand is one ten thousand and 2 thousands. You can't have 2 numbers occupying the same space in a number which 1 and 2 do in the thousand digit. However, one could propose that you add the two together giving 13,212
The number 200,000 is said as "two hundred thousand" in English words. The number is broken down into its numerical place values: 2 (hundreds of thousands), 0 (tens of thousands), and 0 (thousands). Each place value is then spoken in words to form the complete verbal representation of the number.
Sixty two thousand seven hundred eighty nine.
Not sure about a corer, but 2 crore is 20000 thousands.