A physical quantity is a number of object(s) that are tangible objects. A number doesn't have to represent any specific quantity of items, but rather just a quantity in an equation.
Phsyical quantity: 5 chairs, 2 apples
A quotient is the result obtained by dividing one quantity by another, and a difference is the result obtained by subtracting two numbers. So, the quotient of the difference between 5 and a number and 2 is:(5 - n)/2
In a set of numbers, the difference between the greatest and the least is called the range.
The difference between 37 and 84 is 47. This is calculated by subtracting 37 from 84, which results in 47. In mathematical terms, the formula for finding the difference between two numbers is subtracting the smaller number from the larger number.
The difference between 13 and 16 is 3. To find the difference between two numbers subtract the larger number by the smaller number. (16-13=3)
An even number is always some quantity of 'twos' (2's), and any quantity of twos is an even number. The first even number is a quantity of twos, and the second even number is another quantity of twos. When you add the first quantity of twos to the second quantity of twos, you get a new quantity of twos. Since the new quantity of twos is a quantity of twos, it's an even number.
A quotient is the result obtained by dividing one quantity by another, and a difference is the result obtained by subtracting two numbers. So, the quotient of the difference between 5 and a number and 2 is:(5 - n)/2
The difference between factors and coefficient is very distinct. A factor is a quantity which is multiplied with another to give a particular number as the result. A coefficient on the other hand is a multiplier that measures property.
Yes, a dimensionless quantity is a quantity that does not have any physical dimensions or units. It is a pure number or ratio that represents a comparison between two quantities. Examples of dimensionless quantities include angles, ratios, and pure numbers like pi.
Zero is a number (a scalar quantity without unit) while zero vector (or null vector) is a vector quantity having zero magnitude and arbitrary direction.
The amount or size of physical quantity depends on two things " number and unit". Every physical quantity has its own standard for fixed amount which is called as unit. The same physical quantity with larger or smaller size is measured in different units. for example 1cm or 1m Therefore even if we have to measure same physical quantity with larger or smaller size of it we should have a standard for comparison.
On time rate you are paid for the number of hours worked. On piece rate you are paid for the quantity of goods you produce.
Speed is a scalar quantity that measures how fast an object is moving, while velocity is a vector quantity that includes both the speed of an object and its direction of motion. Speed is just the magnitude of velocity.
the conversion factor merely changes the number in such a way that it fits the new units the physical quantity is not changed
Speed is the magnitude of how fast an object is moving, while velocity includes both speed and direction of motion. Speed is a scalar quantity, meaning it only has magnitude, while velocity is a vector quantity, indicating both magnitude and direction.
The difference between the greatest and least number is the range.
Force is not a SCALAR because it always has a DIRECTION, making it a VECTOR. A SCALAR quantity is a one-dimensional physical quantity, i.e. one that can be described by a single real number.
Numerals are the characters that make up numbers (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, & 9) and a number is something that represents a quantity.