Well, adding x10 is scientific notation. Example:456-4.56x102. this is because there are two numbers before the decimal. another example:14945-1.4945x104. if you do not get it, I'm sorry. This is the best i can explain
scientific calculators have scientific calculations such as scientific notation, but mechanical ones dont.
What is the difference between 392 and 247?
they express the numbers using scientific notation
the difference is also doubled
An enclosure is a stand-alone document sent with a cover letter. An attachment is a supporting document for a letter that is (usually) incorporated into the letter by reference; for example, a budget or an explanatory figure. The except is an email, in which case you can only "attach" a document.
an annex is where people live and enclosure is where things are kept e.g monkeys are kept in a monkey enclosure.
There are many types of liens. An attachment is a type of lien generated by a court during the course of a lawsuit.
An enclosure is an areas that is sealed off with a natural or artificial boundary. An annex is a building added on to the main structure that adds additional room.
No difference; probably just a difference in notation by the manufacturer. Both represent milligrams.
The difference between (9x10^10) and (4x10^10) in scientific notation is (5x10^10).
the diffrence is just nothing
An enclosure is a document included with the same package, such as a resume sent with a cover letter. An appendix is a section or table that is added at the end of a document or book to supplement the main text.
The Masterkey is a shotgun attachment and The Grenade launcher launches grenades.
Generally as I know it a canopy just has a top cover, while a tent is usually a complete enclosure.
The difference between Big O notation and Big Omega notation is that Big O is used to describe the worst case running time for an algorithm. But, Big Omega notation, on the other hand, is used to describe the best case running time for a given algorithm.
They both are the same. Actually, only EExd notation is correct.