you take the earning before interest and taxes
Its goodness or otherwise depends on whether you are a borrower (bad) or a lender/saver (good).
BlockFi offers crypto interest-earning accounts with up to 8.6% APY. This allows clients holding crypto like Bit coin & Ether to earn compounding interest. BlockFi also offers low-cost USD loans backed by crypto. Access crypto capital without selling. bkxzP
If the interest is reinvested and so itself gains interest (in the next interest period) it is compound interest.
Compound interest. This is where you work out the interest on a number, then work out the interest on top of the number with the interest added.
investment made for the purpose of earning dividend/interest .that is called non-trade investment.
It net interest income as a percentage of average interest-earning assets
net interest margin=(Income interest-Expense interest)/average earning assets net spread=Income interest/average earning assets - Expense interest/average deposits and other funds
One person (or organisation) pays interest to another - who earns it.
The process of earning your income is sometimes called "earning a living" or "making a living."
Interest and capital gain are two ways of earning gain from stock.
you take the earning before interest and taxes
Money that you don't have to work for.
Gross Profit or Earning Before Interest and Tax (EBIT) Less : Interest Earning Before Tax (EBT) Less : Tax Net Profit or Profit After Tax (PAT)
[Debit] Interest receivable on marketable securities [Credit] interest earning on marketable securities