A fraction is composed of a numerator (top number) and a denominator (bottom number). When adding fractions whose bottom numbers are the same, just add the top numbers and leave the bottom.
5/6 + 5/6 = 10/6. Done. But you can simplify that to 5/3...which is the same number, just expressed differently.
A more difficult example would be: 3/4 + 5/6. Well now the denominator is different each time...what do we do? Find a number both will go into perfectly.
So what do 4 and 6 go into? The easier number is 12.
4x3 = 12 and 6x2 = 12
So we know to times the 3/4 by 3 (both top and bottom) and the 6x2 by 2
= 9/12 + 10/12. They still the same numbers...it's the same amounts, just expressed differently. But we've made the denominators the same.
Now we add them
= 19/12. Cannot be simplified as 19 is a Prime number, so this would be the answer.
two and two sevenths plus six and five sixths is 52.
One sixth plus four sixths equals five sixths, or 5/6.
8 and 20/21
30 and 5/6
it 6 and 5/6
The answer is 17/18
Five sixths.
The answer is 1 5/24.