To convert any fraction to a decimal divide the numerator (top number) by the denominator (bottom number).
To convert any number to a percentage multiply it by 100 %
→ 4/9 = 4 ÷ 9 = 0.444... ≈ 0.444 as a decimal
→ 4/9 = 4/9 × 100 % = 400/9 % = 400 ÷ 9 % = 44 4/9 % = 44.444... % ≈ 44.444 %
4/9 = 0.444444 (repeating)4/9 = .444444444444444440.4444444444
4/9 IS a fraction. Decimal equivalent 0.4 recurring
Expressed as a decimal, five ninths is equal to 0.5 recurring (that is, 0.55555...).0.55
One whole is nine ninths. Nine ninths minus four ninths equals five ninths.
decimal .4 percent 40%
one and four ninths as a decimal = 1.4444
36 and four-ninths as a decimal = 36.4436 4/9= 36 + (4 ÷ 9)= 36 + 0.44= 36.44
two-ninths is written as 2/9: = 2 ÷ 9 = 0.2222 in decimal = 0.2222 x 100% = 22.22% in percent
Expressed as a decimal fraction, this is equal to 4.4 recurring (that is, 4.4444...)
0.44... (recurring).
0.4444 repeating
0.4444 repeating
.8 percent stupid aka i have my brother giving me the anser .8 percent stupid aka i have my brother giving me the anser