Well, darling, half of a thousand is 500. It's as simple as that. No need to overcomplicate things, honey. Just chop that number in half and you've got your answer.
Half of a trillion is five hundred billion
Seventeen and one half thousand is numerically represented as 17,500.
500 thousand
Half of a trillion is five hundred billion
One half million is 500 thousand.
3 and a half thousand
Seventeen and one half thousand is numerically represented as 17,500.
Six and a half thousand is 6,500.
It is supposed to be said "one million five hundred thousand" but it is easier to say "and a half" as in a half million.
The number six and a half thousand is written as 6,500.
500 thousand
Half of one thousand five hundred fifteen is 532.5.
8, 500or if in words:eight thousand, five hundred