A kilogram is about 2.2 times heavier than a pound.
They weigh the same.
Yes! Sixteen ounces equal a pound.
If someone asks you "which is heavier, a POUND of bricks or a POUND of feathers" they are equal because they both weigh a pound.I say a pound of bricks is heavierIn general the both weigh the same amount when it comes to a pound. Not a single brick and a single feather Everyone knows a brick weighs more than a feather.
16 ounces = 1 pound therefore 1 pound is bigger (heavier) than 15 ounces.
marijuana sleeping pills cocaine and ecstasy marijuana sleeping pills cocaine and ecstasy
Cocaine is the most used illegal drug in Colombia.
A pound is heavier than a gram. There are approximately 453.592 grams in a pound.
1 pound = 16 ouncesSo a pound is heavier
Marijuana use may mask the perceived effects of alcohol and cocaine when the drugs are consumed together.
Almost all. Marijuana, Meth, Cocaine Crack are just a few examples.
I think an pound is heavier is because an ounce is what you add to a pound and a ponds is what you get
23oz is heavier....a pound is only 16oz
pound is heavier....as 1 pound=1000 kilograms
1 pound = 454 grams, approx so a pound is heavier.
A pound is heavier than 100 grams. One pound is equivalent to approximately 454 grams.