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A kilogram is about 2.2 times heavier than a pound.

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15y ago

A Kilo is heavier. 1 kilogram=2.2pounds

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Q: Which is heavier a pound or a kilograms?
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Which is heavier a kilogram or a poud?

pound is 1 pound=1000 kilograms

Which is hevaier-a pound or kilograms?

A kilogram is 2.2 times as heavy as a pound, alternatively a pound is 0.454 kilograms. So a kilogram is heavier

What is heavier a kilogram or a pound?

1kg = 2.2lb. 1lb= 0.4kg. So, 1kg is heavier than 1lb.

Which is more pounds or kilograms?

A kilogram is approximately 2.2 times heavier than a pound.

What is heavier 100 kilograms or 100 pounds?

Yes. 51 kilograms = 112.43 pounds.

Which is heavier kilograms or pounds?

One kilogram is about 2.2 times heavier than one pound.

What is heavier 12 pounds or 6 kilograms?

Six kilograms is heavier; 6kg = about 13.2 pounds.

Which is heavier a gram or pound?

A pound is about 454 times heavier than a gram.

Which is more heavier an ounce or a pound?

1 pound = 16 ouncesSo a pound is heavier

Is 2.4 kilograms heavier than 2.47 kilograms?


Which is heavier 140 pounds or 68 kilograms?

68 kilograms is heavier because it equates to 149.914 pounds.

Why is a pound heavier then an ounce?

I think an pound is heavier is because an ounce is what you add to a pound and a ponds is what you get