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It is rather a trick question. People are thrown off by the feathers (light things) and nails (heavier things) but pound are pounds. The pound of feathers will most likely be larger in volume than the pound of nails.

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βˆ™ 9y ago
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βˆ™ 9y ago

Because you are comparing two equal weights of two items.

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Q: Why is one pound of nails the same as 1 pound of feathers?
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If you have one pound of feathers and one pound of bricks which one weighs more?

Both the pound of feathers and the pound of bricks weigh the same amount, which is one pound. Weight is a measure of force due to gravity, so if they both weigh one pound, they are equal.

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Each of them has the same weight . . . one pound.

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Each of them has the same weight . . . one pound.

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They all have the same weight ... namely, one pound.

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A pound of feathers and a pound of rocks both weigh the same - one pound. The difference lies in the density of the objects; feathers are less dense, so a pound of feathers will take up more space than a pound of rocks.

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A pound of bricks and a pound of feathers weigh the same because they both weigh one pound. The difference lies in their volume, with bricks being denser and taking up less space compared to feathers.

Which weighs more-a pound of cheese bricks or feathers?

Cheese bricks, obviously. Actualy if it's a pound of cheese, a pound of bricks, or a pound of feathers they al way the same,, no matter how much it seems that a pound of feathers is the lightest,,there all 1 pound! ^_^

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one pound or one ounce!, and I'm pretty sure it is the same with feathers.

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They both weigh the same as both of them originally weigh-in at a pound

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Neither. They both weigh the same.