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Q: What is input in math?
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What is math domin?

If you use an input output table, domain is the input.

Which math ratio represents efficiency?

Efficiency = Output/Input.

A picture of a input and output machine in math?

if one answer is 6 and the other answer is 7, how do the output numbers from the input/output machines compare

How do you convert decimals to fractions on the TI 85?

Example: 3/4 + 7/5• Input 3, press [/], and input 4• Press the [+] key• Input 7, press [/], and input 5• Press the [2nd] [MATH] [F5] [MORE]• Select [F1] (the convert-to-fraction function)• Press the [ENTER] keyThe result displayed should be 43/20.Example: (25_4/7) - 9/16• Press [(], input 25, and press [+]• Input 4, press [/], input 7, and press [)]• Press the [-] key• Press [(], input 9, press [/], input 16, and press [)]• Press the [2nd] [MATH] [F5] [MORE]• Select [F1]• Press the [ENTER] keyThe result displayed should be 2801/112.Example: 8/4 x 6/15• Input 8, press [/], and input 4• Press the [x] key• Input 6, press [/], and input 15• Press the [2nd] [MATH] [F5] [MORE]• Select [F1]• Press the [ENTER] keyThe result displayed should be 4/5.Example: (5_8/13) / (9/23)• Press [(], input 5, press [+],• Input 8, and press [/], input 13, and press [)]• Press the [/] key• Press [(], input 9, press [/], input 23, and press [)]• Press the [2nd] [MATH] [F5] [MORE]• Select [F1]• Press the [ENTER] keyThe result displayed should be 1679/117.

How do we know that the input have one output or more in a function in math?

By definition. If one input has more than one outputs then it is not a function.