

Best Answer

Mode, is basically the number that appears the most in a list of numbers.

For Example:

Ashley has five numbers in a piece of paper which are 2,6,5,2, and 9. Out of the five numbers the one that appears the most is two, so two will be your mode in this example.

Mode is the only average that can be used with non-numeric data. For example, if you did a survey of favourite milk shake flavours you would find that one would be the favourite of more people than any other - this flavour would be the mode flavour.

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Q: What is mode in math terms?
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What does mode mean in math terms?

the mode is the most common number for example 89,56,78,8,32,64,8 8 would be the mode you get it cause its the most common In math, mode means most used. So if you see a chart graph and you see some number that is the highest used, then that number would be the mode.

What does central tendency mean in math terms?

Measures of central tendency are the mean, median, range, mode ect.

What does mode mean in maths terms?

the mode is the most common number for example 89,56,78,8,32,64,8 8 would be the mode you get it cause its the most common In math, mode means most used. So if you see a chart graph and you see some number that is the highest used, then that number would be the mode.

What is modein math?

There is no such thin as modein math. Suggestions: Mode in Math: The mode is the most frequently occurring number in a set of several numbers. Modern Math: Math as it is today.

What maths terms begin with m?

Math or Multiplication or Matrices or Metric or Meter or MeasurementMedian Mathematics Mean Midpoint monomial multiple mode

Is mode in math terms?

The "mode" in math terms is the most of a list of numbers. For example, you have this list of numbers: 9, 7, 8, 1, 2, 7, 3, and you want to find the mode of the list of numbers, you would look around for the most occurring number, which would be 7 because it happens twice. If you have something like these set of numbers: 8, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 9, 8, there are two numbers that are the mode. For the answer, you would put 2 and 8.

What is similar for the Median and Mode in math?

Median and mode are in mathematics.

How do you do a statement in reverse mode in visual studio?

In reverse mode can be a declaration where as you code a variable as such: Answer = X + X... In normal math terms you would just ask X+ X = Answer but in VB you declare it in reverse.

What is the definintion of mode in math?

Mode is the number in a set which appears most.

What if there isn t a mode in the math question?

It is quite possible for there to be no mode.

What do you write if there is no mode on math?

yes you can